Are many possibilities of osteoporosis treatment a pharmacological level with drugs that only they need a single annual dose , but once established _ _ illness , either for lack of prevention or due to ignorance , we have sequels such as pain and fractures , to which we can answer .
The fractures of hip or femur will need osteosynthesis with nails and plates , but in vertebral fractures are can perform vertebroplasty and kyphoplasties with cement as palliative pain.
The laser system Fp3 It is an excellent option to treat pain. sharp or chronic and the inflammation in cervical , dorsal and lumbar , so frequent in these pathologies . Their capacity of penetration into depth , be painless and applied on the skin , get a quick and lasting pain improvement ; so what makes a ideal method to reduce pain relievers
In other times , it will need orthopedic aids external for the protection of the spine with corsets or orthopedic girdles to stabilize and avoid the progression of established fractures .